Warhammer: the Old World – Forces of Fantasy is your indispensable guide to the armies of order and civilisation.
This book, used in conjunction with the Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook, provides you with all the information required to command your collection of miniatures on the field of battle.
this 192-page hardback book you will find army lists containing
profiles and special rules for every model available for the following
factions, alongside magic items and unique spells:
– Dwarfen Mountain Holds
– Empire of Man
– Kingdom of Bretonnia
– Wood Elf Realms
– High Elf Realms
army list includes the Grand Army composition list for that faction,
along with an introduction to the faction and a full description of each
of the many characters and units it contains. Alongside this is a
showcase of beautifully painted armies from the talented painters of the
world-famous ’Eavy Metal team.
This is an expansion to Warhammer: The Old World – you'll need a copy of the Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook, available separately, to use the contents of this book.
Warhammer: the Old World – Forces of Fantasy
- Marca: Games Workshop
- Codice Prodotto: 9781837790142
- Disponibilità: 2
- 41,00€
- Imponibile: 29,57€
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